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VxWorks Migration Project overview#

This project has been set up to help you in porting your VxWorks application to QNX Neutrino RTOS. You will find a comprehensive porting guide here. This porting guide will provide you a detailed OS comparison as well as porting guidelines, tips and tricks.

In addition, you can obtain a copy of our "vx2qnx" porting library on this site. This library covers the majority of core VxWorks API and provides code compatibility with legacy code at the application layer. With this library, the complete VxWorks system is encapsulated inside one process under QNX Neutrino and task in VxWorks become threads in QNX Neutrino. The source version of the library is found under the source code tab. A binary version can be downloaded from the file releases section.

Finally, feel free to post questions relating to your porting efforts under the discussions tab.

For additional infomation on the migration process, please feel free to view our webinar entitled "Does your future OS strategy include VxWorks? Think again" which provides some information on the phases of migration from assessment to porting and optimization. This webinar can be accessed here