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wiki1196: OS_Forums_guide (Version 11)

[This is a suggested list of forums for specifically for the QNX OS project. There may be other forums with the same topics for larger scopes or other projects

Edit this list with ideas before sept 12. -ad]

Proposed NameProposed description
microbugskernel/proc bug reports
newcodeideas for new code / future features
OS-Generalgeneral questions, including beginner questions, plus anything not covered in other forums.
buildbugscompile/build/debug: problems and questions, also post your "make clean" warning here.
kerneltech SMP / processes and memory management / Libraries/ Interrupt/ scheduling / magic / partitioning
hardwareKernel developers dropping things on their feet.
metawikidiscuss issues of the os wiki infrastructure: wiki layout, organization, bugs, admin issues