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wiki1202: SMPInitialisation (Version 1)

SMP Initialisation#

Booting an SMP system involves an elaborate dance between cpus. The following shows the sequence of events in terms of the various pieces of code involved:

  • cpu0 is the initial booting processor
  • cpuN refers to a secondary processor

This shows only the sequence from initial execution of the startup program:

  • it is assumed the IPL/boot monitor has arranged for only a single cpu to initially execute the startup code
  • the board specific board_smp_start() function is used to start execution of secondary processors
_start(): [startup]
. set up C environment
. jump to _main()

. board_init()
. setup_cmdline()
. cpu_startup()
. init_syspage_memory()
  - allocate generic sections
  - cpu_init_syspage_memory()
. main():
  - process cmdline
  - select_debug()
  - init_raminfo()
  - init_smp():
    . allocate syspage smp section
    . board_smp_init()
  - init_mmu()
  - init_intrinfo()
  - init_qtime()
  - init_cacheattr()
  - init_cpuinfo()
    . allocate syspage cpuinfo section
    . init_one_cpuinfo(0):
      - set up cpu0 cpuinfo section fields
      - add_cache() for cpu cache(s)
  - init_hwinfo()
  - init_system_private():
    . load IFS image(s)
    . load bootstrap executables
    . smp_hook_rtn() --> start_aps():            cpuN
      for each cpu {                             ----
        board_smp_start(N, smp_start)   ------>  smp_start():
        wait for cpuN to clear cpu_starting      . set up C environment
        :                                        . board_smp_adjust_num()
        :                                        . cpu_startup()
        :                                        . init_one_cpuinfo(N):
        :                                          - set up cpuN cpuinfo section fields
        :                                          - add_cache() for cpu cache(s)
        :<-------------------------------------- . clear cpu_starting
      }                                          . wait for syspage_available == N
    . alloc_syspage_memory():                      :
      - cpu_alloc_syspage_memory():                :
        . allocate memory for syspage/cpupage(s)   :
        . set syspage/cpupage pointers             :
      - write callout routines to syspage memory   :
. write_syspage_memory()                           :
  - write syspage sections to syspage memory       :
  - cpu_write_syspage_memory():                    :
    . flush icache if necessary for callout code   :
. smp_hook_rtn() --> transfer_aps():               :
  for each cpu {                                   :
    set SYSPAGE_ENTRY(smp)->pending                :
    set syspage_available = N ---------------->  . cpu_startnext(N, smp_spin_vaddr)
    wait for SYSPAGE_ENTRY(smp)->pending == 0
    :                                            smp_spin(): [callout code]
    : <----------------------------------------  . clear SYSPAGE_ENTRY(smp)->pending
  }                                              . wait for SYSPAGE_ENTRY(smp)->start_addr != 0                            
. startnext():                                     :
  - cpu_startnext(0, kernel entry point)           :
_start(): [kernel]                                 :
. set stack pointer                                :
. jump to _main()                                  :
_main():                                           :
. syspage_init():                                  :
  - set variables pointing at syspage sections     :
  - cpu_syspage_init()                             :
. set_inkernel(INKERNEL_NOW|INKERNEL_LOCK)         :
. set up cmdline args                              :
. kernel_main(argc, argv, envv):                   :
  - process cmdline args                           :
  - init_memmgr()                                  :
  - init_traps()                                   :
  - memmgr.init_mem(0) --> vmm_init_mem(0)         :
    . initialise global VM data structures         :
  - init_critical_heap()                           :
  - init_objects():                                :
    . allocate various data structures             :
    . allocate initial PROCESS structure           :
    . allocate idle thread for each cpu            :
  - timer_init()                                   :
  - interrupt_init():                              :
    . set up interrupt data structures             :
    . cpu_interrupt_init():                        :
      - generate interrupt dispatch code           :
      - plumb into cpu-specific interrupt vector   :
  - init_cpu()                                     :
  - set_inkernel(0)                                :
  - ker_start()                                    :
  (exit kernel via __ker_exit)                      :
cpu0 idle thread                                   :
----------------                                   :
. if cpu0, memmgr.mcreate(procnto process)         :
. cpu_start_ap(_smpstart) [start next cpu]         :
  - set SYSPAGE_ENTRY(smp)->start_addr     ----> . atomically exchange start_addr with 0
. wait until all cpus have started               . jump to start_addr
  :                                              _smpstart():
  :                                              . set stack pointer
  :                                              . jump to init_smp()
  :                                              init_smp():
  :                                              . set _cpupage_ptr to cpuN cpupage
  :                                              . if necessary, initialise cpuN VM data:
  :                                                - memmgr.init_mem(2) --> vmm_init_mem(2)
  :                                              . ker_start()
  :                                              (exit kernel via __ker_exit)
  :                                              cpuN idle thread
  :                                              ----------------
  :                                              idle():
  :                                              . cpu_start_ap(_smpstart) [if more cpus]
  :                                              . wait until all cpus have started
  :                                              OR
  : <------------------------------------------- . cpu_started indicates all cpus have started
. SchedSet_r() to prio 0                         . start system clock:
. Ring0(idle_release_stack, act)                   - clock_attach()
                                                   - ClockPeriod()
  (entry via Ring0 kernel call)                  . ThreadCreate_r(..., start_kernel_threads, ...)
                                                 . SchedSet_t() to prio 0
idle_release_stack():                            . Ring0(idle_release_stack, act)
. allocate new stack
. free original stack                            (entry via Ring0 kernel call)
. set KIP to loop()
(exit via __ker_exit)                            idle_release_stack():
                                                 . allocate new stack
                                                 . free original stack
                                                 . set KIP to loop()
                                                 (exit via __ker_exit)

At this point, the system contains the following threads:

  • idle threads for each CPU (at prio 0)
  • kernel thread that begins execution at start_kernel_threads()

The scheduler will run the kernel thread on one of the cpus; the other cpus will execute their idle thread.

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    Version Version Comment Created By
    Version 1 Sunil Kittur(deleted)  -  08/29/2007