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Forum Topic - Using QNX 4.25 after 2038: (1 Item)
Using QNX 4.25 after 2038  
Apologies if this is not the correct forum for this question.

We are doing some work for a customer whose product is based on QNX 
4.25.   They have a requirement that this product is operational
till 2039 which is past the unix 2038 rollover date.

We have access to their applications so can manage time_t as an unsigned 
long there and maintain the correct date/time at that level.  (There is 
no requirement for historic dates).  They don't however have access to 
any of the QNX source code so there is a concern whether QNX itself will 
show up any issues on the rollover.

Has any one any thoughts or advice on this.

