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Forum Topic - Creating Writable filesystem in qnx6.5: (5 Items)
Creating Writable filesystem in qnx6.5  
I am trying to enable SSH login, but as far as i found on the net, for this purpose i need a writable file system e.g. 
RW access to "/etc/ssh/" but my built OS image is read-only.
would you please help me to build a writable file system inside QNX Neutrino 6.5

Thanks in advanced.
Re: Creating Writable filesystem in qnx6.5  
To be able to do this, no need for a writeable filesystem. 
Redirect /etc/ssh/ to a writeable area (USN key, SD card, /var ...).
Generate the required files. Copy these files in your BSP and regenerate your BSP.. 
You can then login with SSH.

If you want dynamic management of SSH, you have to permanently redirect /etc/ssh to a writeable media. Permanently means
 add the redirection in the boot sequence.

Re: Creating Writable filesystem in qnx6.5  
Thanks for your prompt answer.
I Already redirected the key files in sshd_config file to '/fs0p1/ssh' folder, and the ssh keys(rsa, dsa) created in 
this folder which is writable. ssh client can now access to the session but because i cant be able to set a password 
(for ssh) i am not able to login to the target.
It would be greatly appreciated if you give me a hand
thanks in advanced,
Re: Creating Writable filesystem in qnx6.5  
To create a new user/password, you have to redirect /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to a writeable location.

More generally, when you need to change system settings :
- Copy /etc (the full content) to a writeable location.
- Redirect /etc to this location.
- Do the modifications you need.
- Copy modified files into your BSP sources.
- Regenerate BSP.
- Reboot with new BSP.

This creates a "static" configuration used by all machines using the BSP.
If you need to be able to modify system settings dynamically, create (a) link(s) in your BSP init script to 
automatically redirect necessary files/directories at startup. 
Re: Creating Writable filesystem in qnx6.5  
Why is your OS readonly ?