Does a user deleted in TeamForge or CEE get deleted from Lab Management?

No. In TeamForge or CEE, when a user is deleted, the individual no longer exists in the system. In Lab Management, users can come in and out of the system depending on what roles they are assigned.

Re-enabling users after they have been locked out

When a TeamForge or CEE user loses all Lab Management permissions, he or she becomes disabled in Lab Management but is not deleted. If the user is re-enabled in CEE and has at least one Lab Management role, he or she can begin using both systems again. This user will have his or her home directory back and, in short, it is as if the user was never removed from the systems.

Processes belonging to locked-out users

Users who are locked out of Lab Management can still maintain their processes, including shell login sessions. Lab Management does not end the processes. This responsibility is left to the project administrators. The locked-out user is not able to start new sessions but can maintain his or her existing sessions.