Run the Lab Management installer

When all the required packages are in place, you can run the Lab Management installer.

Before you proceed with performing the actual steps to run the Lab Management installer, the following pre-requisites must be met:

If any of these prerequisites are not met, the Lab Management installer lists the missing prerequisites and aborts the execution. If this situation occurs, you need to manually install the missing packages and re-run the Lab Management installer again.

  1. Insert the Lab Management installer CD in your machine and install the Lab Management installer program.
  2. Copy the sample-site.conf file from the CD to a local directory where it can be edited. For instance, if the CD is mounted at /mnt/cdrom, use the following token:
    • $ cp /mnt/cdrom/sample-site.conf ~/site.conf
  3. Using a text editor, edit the site.conf file and change the settings to match your configuration.
  4. Run the Lab Management installer script.
    • $ -f ~/site.conf
    Note: Running this script removes any previous Lab Management installations and data.
    The installer checks your system for the required RPMs, installs the missing RPMs, and performs a clean installation of Lab Management.
  5. If your configuration requires a Solaris SPARC Bootserver, you must manually install it. See this topic for details.
  6. Run autoinst to generate all configuration files.
    • $ sudo ai_ks -u
You can check the /var/log/ai_ks.log file to make sure that the ai_ks command has completed successfully.