Known issues

The following issues are known to exist in CollabNet Connector Framework 1.3.0.

Artifact ID Description
ccf211 Fields of type "Text, Long", "Text,Short" and "Date" should not be shipped with empty values. Shipping them as empty values in new artifacts will result in exceptions thrown by the Project Tracker web service and the new artifact will not be created. In artifact updates, shipping an empty value will not alter the existing value. To work around this problem, the CCF administrator can either choose not to send the field to the Project Tracker writer, or send a default value. See this comment in the issue for XSLT templates showing the workarounds.
ccf214 For the Quality Center-to-Project Tracker direction, the connector does not ship a null value entered for the "Detected on Date" field.
ccf223 When a new user is added in Project Tracker without removing the user already mapped in Quality Center, the new user's details are not shipped to Quality Center.
ccf226 When multiple users are added to a Project Tracker artifact in a single transaction, the Project Tracker web service does not always return the last user assigned to a user field. Due to this, the connector ships one of the users involved in the transaction, but it is not possible to determine which one.
ccf233 When a field that is mandatory in Project Tracker or CollabNet SourceForge Tracker is not updated in a defect created in Quality Center, an attachment to that Quality Center defect is not shipped.
ccf235 Except for the "Assigned to" field, other multi-select user attributes in SourceForge tracker are mapped to single-select user fields in Quality Center. When a user is deleted in Quality Center, other existing users are also removed in the SourceForge tracker because removal of the user from the Quality Center user fields causes the the corresponding fields in the SourceForge tracker to be cleared of all users.
ccf250 When the filename of an attachment contains special characters (for example, !, #, @ ) the connector may not ship the attachment correctly. In the Quality Center-to-Project Tracker direction, exceptions have sometimes been observed. In the Project Tracker-to-Quality Center direction, the attachment is shipped, but the filename may be incorrect.
ccf251 Editing comments in Quality Center defects is not supported by the connector. If an existing comment is edited, further comments may be rendered garbled or unreadable.
ccf268 When the CollabNet Connector Framework shuts down or restarts, Java Service Wrapper logs the error message "JVM exited unexpectedly". This message does not indicate any problem and is caused because the CCF disabled Service Wrapper's Shutdown Hooks to have better control over the termination phase.
ccf269 When a Project Tracker artifact having an attachment is copied, the connector creates a corresponding Quality Center defect, but does not ship the attachment.
ccf276 When comment and reason fields are provided in a Project Tracker artifact, the connector ships the comment with the user's username and the reason with the user's full name.
ccf281 When multiple attachments with the same filename are shipped from Project Tracker-to-Quality Center, and then deleted in Project Tracker, they are not all deleted in Quality Center.
  Quality Center has the ability to store attachments as links, but SourceForge does not have that capability. When a link attachment is transported from Quality Center to SourceForge, the SourceForge plugin wraps the link in a file and attaches it to the target SourceForge artifact.
  In SourceForge or some other system, it is possible to relate artifacts to each other in a parent-child relationship or some other kind of dependency. Artifacts may also be associated with other entities that are not tracker items. These dependencies and associations are not shipped along with the artifact data.
  If a source tracker artifact is deleted, the deletion event is not shipped to the target tracker. So the target artifact that was mapped to the source artifact is not deleted. Users are required to delete this artifact manually.
  The CSV file and database sample scenarios can only be used for backup and restore purposes. Users cannot use these scenarios to continuously synchronize tracker changes with a database or CVS file and vice versa.
  The CCF keeps on polling the configured systems for changed artifact data. The default poll interval is set to 1 second to avoid chances of the mapped artifacts getting into a delta conflict. Due to the low polling interval, network traffic might be considerable. To control network traffic, it is recommended that users increase the polling interval if required.
  Shipment of huge attachments is limited by the memory available on the machine where the CCF runs. So you need to restrict the maximum attachment size in accordance with the Java Virtual Machine memory.
ccf352 Synchronization of TeamForge 6.0 planning folders to Quality Center requirements is supported only for planning folders that exist already, if you're mapping multiple requirement types to the same TeamForge project. For more information, see the section "Requirement related questions" in the FAQs wiki page.