Add a Quality Center - TeamForge tracker connector landscape

Set up your connector synchronization scenario by adding a new landscape in the CCF perspectve.

For the Quality Center - TeamForge tracker example, bidirectional synchronization is accomplished using these two unidirectional configurations of the connector:
  • QC2TF for the Quality Center to TeamForge tracker direction
  • TF2QC for the TeamForge tracker to Quality Center direction

Every connector scenario has a config directory with a config.xml file that contains the connector's configuration.

  1. In Eclipse, open the CollabNet Connector Framework perspective from Window > Open Perspective > Other.
  2. In the CCF Explorer, click the New CCF landscape icon.

    Add a new landscape
  3. In the New CCF Landscape window, provide a description for your synchronization scenario.
  4. Select either of these modes of operation:
    • Administrator
    • Operator
    An operator does not require physical access to the CCF configuration, but does need access to the central HSQL (CCF) database. The operator can pause and restart project mappings and work with hospital entries. For safety reasons, administrators can group project mappings. Operators can only see and modify the mappings defined for their group. The group information is stored in the CCF database, so that all users accessing the same database share the same groups and permissions.
  5. Select the systems you want to synchronize. For the example, select TeamForge and Quality Center. Click Next.

    If your connector scenario involves Project Tracker (as a component of CollabNet Enterprise Edition or as an integrated application in TeamForge) and Quality Center, select Project Tracker and Quality Center.

  6. Enter or browse to the location of the config.xml file. For the Teamforge-to-Quality Center direction, select <CCF_HOME>/production/QCTF/TF2QC/config.xml. The path for the config.xml for the other direction, <CCF_HOME>/production/QCTF/QC2TF/config.xml, is automatically filled in.
  7. Click Finish.

A landscape corresponds to a CCF instance. If you are mapping several projects, you would typically have one landscape with many projects.

You may want to sort project mappings using the Sort project mappings by option in the CCF Explorer toolbar's dropdown menu. For example, if you choose the QC repository option, the two project mappings corresponding to a bidirectional project mapping will be grouped together.

Add a new landscape
If you want to install more than one independent CCF instance on the same machine, see this FAQ topic for details.