Edit an issue

After you create an issue, you can edit it to update existing information, specify additional fields such as the target milestone, and add attachments or dependencies.

  1. In the CollabNet Site Browser view, click the Issue Tracker node under a CollabNet Enterprise Edition project.
  2. Right-click on an issue and select Edit. The issue is displayed in the issue editor.
  3. Update any field that was specified when the issue was created. When creating an issue, these are the fields you can specify: title, description, component, subcomponent, platform, operating system, issue type, version, the person assigned to the issue, priority and URL.
  4. Set the Target Milestone to associate the issue with a release version for the product.
  5. For QA Contact, enter the email address of the person responsible for quality control of this issue.
  6. Specify a Keyword for the issue.
    Note: This field appears only if the project administrator has defined one or more keywords for the project. For example, the keyword "CLIENT" could be used to denote that the issue was found on a customer site.
  7. In Add CC, include other project members' email addresses to alert them when issue activity occurs.
  8. In the Status Whiteboard field, enter a one-line note about the issue, or a user-defined term. For example, "[RN]" could be used to denote that the issue requires a release note.
  9. Click Submit to submit your changes to the server and save them.